If there is anything at all that the coronavirus pandemic and lockdowns have taught us, it is the importance of relationships in our lives, our relationship with God and our relationships with our families & friends. After months of being quarantined at home, in that space between Zoom meetings and Tik Tok videos, we were forced to rekindle an old flame; one we so readily ignore.
That’s right, I’m talking about our relationships with ourselves, and while it might have been a rocky start, some of us learned the lost art of self care. A washday, one more song on our shower playlists, an extra hour of sleep, or a full day of all these and more, whatever self care means to you. One thing is certain, when life gets a little overwhelming and coworkers get a tad more annoying, we all could use some good old ‘me time’.
However, when overindulgence kicks in, and activities that once were meant to revitalize us end up harming our minds, bodies and productivity levels, self care can quickly morph into self harm.
That said, here are a few tips on how to our team has maintained a healthy body and mind in the midst of the chaos.
1. Learn to say No: I realize how counterintuitive this must sound especially since I began with a the importance of relationships, but hear me out. Service is a huge part of relationships, but many times, we allow our desire to be of service to our loved ones rob us of our must needed ‘r n r’ time, which eventually puts us in a state called ‘burnout’. Burnout is a state of extreme mental, physical and emotional stress caused by constant demands which ultimately leads to resentment in one’s relationships.
We can only give when we have something to give; pacing ourselves, taking a step back and learning to say no when we are buckling under the weight of responsibilities is how we make sure we are in the right physical, mental and emotional space to be there for the people we love, and if they are worth the stress, the people that love you will be happy to hear that you’re looking after yourself.
2. Physical Exercise- Quarantine weight is the absolute worst! Staying fit during this period is the most challenging of them all. Portion control, limiting the amount of snacking you do in between meals (yes, at midnight too). It is 80% diet and 20% workout and it honestly feels like a full time job, but sometimes, a good run or cardio session is just what we need to blow off some steam.
3. Make time for your hobbies- There’s an old saying that goes like this- "do what you love"; that's right, whether it be old hobbies or finding new ones. Doing the things we love keeps us grounded. And if you’re stuck in a rut, go on Pinterest and download some DIYs, pick up a new skill (educational/ non-educational), and try your hands on something new (word on the street is that embroidery is where it’s at), you just never know.
4. Stay in touch with friends and family- Thanks to the Internet, we can stay connected with all our family and friends till we all can gather again physically, but we have to be intentional about this. Schedule video calls, send chats, check up on your friends’ wellbeing (because you never know who needs to talk), plan virtual parties. I can't begin to count the number of Zoom parties I have attended; and the dollars I’ve saved now that I get to party in my pyjamas.
All in all, let us remember to show love to ourselves and to others. Let us encourage each other, because we need each other to get through these times. And of course, keep your heads up, because brighter days are ahead.
- Stay Healthy & Stay Safe <3